Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
August garden
Tom Fullerton:
Dust off yesterday's mud and get back to the business of growing
Tom Fullerton:
Why? Why am I awake? Why did I leave the nest in the daytime? Why is that little husky barking me up a tree? Oh troublesome, wearisome day....
Tom Fullerton:
New growth is not linear or calculated. It is blemished and ragged, a beautiful mess. It happens in spurts, unexpectedly after a rain; it surprises.
Tom Fullerton:
Harbingers of spring. The return of blues and purples. The tiny and fragile tendrils of life. The time of rain and hope.
Tom Fullerton:
Tom Fullerton:
Bird-song and wing-flutter; the busy-ness of spring. Snow-melt and ice-drip; rivulets under foot. Paw-prints and nose-sniffs; this morning's walk. #morningmusings
Tom Fullerton:
Lines. Tree limbs like crystalline structures, the pattern of our days
Tom Fullerton:
In the ice and snow, you can see where you've been. And make new paths across life's canvas.
Tom Fullerton:
Path for the pup.
Tom Fullerton:
Mapping competencies. I've been talking to folks at #mcgill about creating a competency-based framework of professional skills for graduate students. In my head it is more of a matrix with competencies along one axis and fluencies across the other. Glad t
Tom Fullerton:
Anvil & keys
Tom Fullerton:
Wonder wheels
Tom Fullerton:
Just a walkin' the dog.
Tom Fullerton:
Tom Fullerton:
Still rainin' still dreamin'.... A day for tea in front of the fire.
Tom Fullerton:
Glimpses of the evolution of the urban scape. Architecturally, linguistically, ....