poorpoor: Your mouth won't go on without ice cream!
mickylightpainter: Fingal Head Morning
LindseyL33: but baby, don't float away
/\ltus: Oasis
Kitty W: Blue Thou Art
crewzfotos: Old and New
Kitty W: Autumn Tree With A View
Kitty W: Autumn Teasel Portrait
M@ H: Fly like an Eagle
J.Gosell: PyroKlectic
grumpy.dang: Raccoon
joelhazelton: Grand Falls
Bob Jagendorf: South Beach Buick
raisinsawdust - (aka: tennphoto): Among The Blades of Grass
Kitty W: Grape Hyacinth
jasoN534ER: Under Water
Mike Campbell: Aunt Susie & Grampa
Mike Campbell: Soon there be firewood
Mike Campbell: Uncle Paul on his wedding day
Mike Campbell: Cherry pickin' in Oregon
Mike Campbell: Grandpa & Grandma
yandahi: Tree Swirl
JHamel: Moakley United States Courthouse
STCM: Waterboarding
HKmPUA: Finance Central