albill: DSC_0056
albill: DSC_0052
EclipseTuliphead: Naptime with Frankie
cwage: IMG_9345
EclipseTuliphead: If dressing like a teenage goth girl is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
gruntzooki: Poesy and the hitchhiking ghost 1, Halloween Town, Burbank, California, USA
EclipseTuliphead: Manicure of the now. Manicurist's choice this time, because this is our last session together; she's moving away. :(
dianagramr: IMG_0600
dianagramr: IMG_0540
EclipseTuliphead: Manicure of the now.
albill: IMG_6564
EclipseTuliphead: Mutant giant strawberry, you mah onliest frien'.
Seattle Municipal Archives: Bon Marche at Northgate, 1950
EclipseTuliphead: IMG_20150508_070556
EclipseTuliphead: IMG_20150508_070631
cwage: 2012-06-11-07712
cwage: 2011-05-27-4497_1
cwage: 2011-05-25-4426
S. McCain: Containers