Tom Arbour: Indian mock strawberry, Duchesnia indica, is a non-native weed common in mowed lawns. It's compound leaves have three parts, that look quite similar to native strawberries in the genus Fragaria. However, this plant has yellow flowers, not white, and the
Tom Arbour: I'm not a mushroom 🍄guy; this one is tiny, no more than 7 mm or so across. It grows on wood in our backyard, and I've seen it several times this fall, including a few days ago. If you know its name, I would greatly appreciate your help! #backyard
Tom Arbour: Beginning the day with a beautiful sky! #asseenincolumbus #614 #morningview #nature #clouds #worthingtonohio
Tom Arbour: The night of the #supermoon, I bundled the boys up and they sat on their beach chairs to watch the moonrise. Serendipitously, it broke the horizon exactly between the two houses on the other side of the street. #astronomy #sky #moon #nature #ohiogram #61
Tom Arbour: I'm often inspired by the clouds; a simple look at yesterday's afternoon sky. What do you see? #clouds #sky #cloudscape #cloudporn #skyporn #asseenincolumbus #614 #ohiogram #ohioexplored #naturalohio #worthingtonohio #natureonly #nature #nature_brilliance
Tom Arbour: Frosty mornings have become the new normal around here. I'll take frigid and clear mornings over cloudy any day. Sometimes during the winter we can go weeks without a full day of sunshine here in Ohio. #ice #frosty #frost #hoarfrost #macro #teamcanon #c
Tom Arbour: A few weeks ago I noticed one of the rocks that make up our backyard path along the back of the house routinely had ants crawling across it. I snapped a few photos at the time, but the little creatures were moving too quickly for me to get them in focus.
Tom Arbour: Firsts have hit hard the past two days, turning our yard into an icy wonderland. #macro #macrophotography #macro_captures #macroclique #macro_perfection #macro_freaks #nature #natureonly #macroworld_tr #macro_brilliance #macro_mood #instanature #frost #fr
Tom Arbour: Nope, not some exotic fruit; this is actually a picture of Violet seeds. These seeds are from a capsule of a cleistogamous flower, a type that does not need to be pollinated. Violets are a common and welcome part of my backyard. #nativeplants #seeds #fr
Tom Arbour: Only a few millimeters long, this leafhopper may be the most fascinating one that I have discovered in my backyard to date. It was perched on the stem of little bluestem. Seen on Sunday, I'm still amazed I am finding great things so late into the season.
Tom Arbour: With the season turning colder, I find myself turning toward inanimate macro subjects more frequently. After scouring my joe-pye for interesting arthropods, i was surprised to find the remains of a monarch butterfly chrysalis. It has personality, don't y
Tom Arbour: The backyard arthropods just keep coming, despite the frosts. This past Monday, I found this cranefly perched on a pokeweed berry waiting for warmer temperatures. #backyard #biodiversity #macro #macrophotography #macro_captures #macroclique #macro_perfec
Tom Arbour: While scouring the backyard grass for tiny arthropods, I came across an area that had been in shade most of the day, and was just beginning to receive its first sunlight. A few tiny drops remained from the morning frost, glistening like tiny jewels. #bac
Tom Arbour: Definitely the hardest frost we've had of the fall! #frost #ice #fall #cold #nature #iphone
Tom Arbour: With the thermometer reading 29 F this morning, I think Arthropod season is over. For my backyard biodiversity project, I'll now begin switching to the endothermic creatures that frequent our backyard. And of course, I can't pass up a beautiful sunset as
Tom Arbour: Please forgive me for being a little behind. Our wonderful warm fall weather was wonderful, but high pressure meant the skies at sunset and sunrise were rather one dimensional. With a return to both seasonable temperatures and cloudiness, our sunsets and
Tom Arbour: Most leaves have fallen, but the color still persists even on the ground. The beautiful warm fall is coming to an end; winter nears. Can I hibernate? #fall #fallcolors #asseenincolumbus #worthingtonohio #ohiofall16 #natureonly #naturephotography #leaves
Tom Arbour: There are still a few blooms in the backyard, but I can count them on one hand. Here's a super close-up view of the florets of false sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides). At four-times life size, one can easily see how a typical flower head in the composi
Tom Arbour: Each morning over the past three weeks, I've walked the boys to school. I'm going to miss it, but I have three more weeks to enjoy the wonderful walk #paternityleave #worthingtonohio #ohioexplored #exploreohio #naturalohio #ohiogram #ohiofall16 #fallcolo
Tom Arbour: One last photo from the unseasonably warm night of November 2: an aphid colony. These creatures are still reproducing at this late date. #aphids #backyard #biodiversity #entomology #macro #nature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #teamcan
Tom Arbour: Last Thursday night I spotted this tiny mite (I think) moving slowly but deliberately across the upper surface of a a blade of American beak grass. I wonder what these mites eat? #backyard #biodiversity #entomology #mite #arthropodsanonymous #macro #macr
Tom Arbour: After catching a beetle as it flapped mid-family room, I swiped it with a fist and took it outside to photograph. #beetle #insect #arthropodsanonymous #nature #entomology #backyard #biodiversity #worthingtonohio #asseenincolumbus #macro #macrophotography
Tom Arbour: One more from the evening of November 2, the last warm evening of the year (most likely). Several of these tiny spiders were taking advantage of the late warm weather, which brought flying insects to their webs providing one more last bit of food. #biodi
Tom Arbour: During our near-record warmth on Thursday evening I extended the day by going out to explore the backyard arthropods that were active at night with a flashlight. Much to my surprise, I found several interesting subjects, including this tiny beetle clingin
Tom Arbour: Cabbage whites, or the small white as they are also known, are by far the most frequently encountered butterfly in our backyard. They're still flying. And our broccoli from this week's CSA was full of cabbage white 🐛! #macro #macrophotography #butter
Tom Arbour: Thursday night was ridiculously warm for November in central Ohio, with the temperature around 70 F at 9 p.m. After everyone had gone to bed, I snuck out to to check the porch light. I found this little creature, which I believe is a caddisfly, an extrem
Tom Arbour: We're having an amazingly beautiful, sunny, warm start to November. So warm that this pearl crescent was out and about flying and basking in the backyard yesterday afternoon. #backyard #biodiversity #entomology #butterfly #lepidoptera #macro #macroclique
Tom Arbour: How about another lichen? I believe this rough speckled shield lichen, a common species that grows on trees. The little knobby like features are called indsidia, a structure used for reproduction. These structures are so small that with the naked eye, t
Tom Arbour: I'm continuing to experiment with high magnification photography, entering the realm of magnifications typically the realm of called photomacrography. While this may look like I pointed my camera down at cracked mud from eye level, I was actually on my kn
Tom Arbour: Simple fall color snap during a morning walk to school this week. I'm going to miss this. #fallcolors #autumn #trees #leaves #sugarmaple #worthingtonohio #ohiofall16 #614 #ohiogram #worthingtonohio #expcols #nativeplants #botany #flora