Tom Ang: Touch the heart
Tom Ang: Anything you can measure
Tom Ang: Faded mural in Ponsonby.
Tom Ang: Sun by sunbather staying away from everyone.
Tom Ang: Never seen the bay quite so calm!
Tom Ang: Site of one of the best swims ever!
Tom Ang: Messy flower love.
Tom Ang: Ahhh .... summer days!
Tom Ang: Gorgeous stick insect on Mamaku in Wairoa.
Tom Ang: What photographers do when waiting for their fish and chips order.
Tom Ang: What summer days are for.
Tom Ang: Rescuing cut flowers from smelly death.
Tom Ang: Bug collecting in Ōwairaka ( the white canister lower right marks where soil sampled.
Tom Ang: Remains of Christmas dessert.
Tom Ang: Bug collecting in Ōwairaka ( the white canister lower right marks where soil sampled.
Tom Ang: Merely pretty lights at night.
Tom Ang: Night on the town - at Auckland’s best ice cream outlet.
Tom Ang: Perfect day for Italian swimming!
Tom Ang: Busy taking petitions at Grey Lynn Festival to save trees in western springs forest and Owairaka Mt Albert. #honourthemaunga
Tom Ang: See nothing? Exactly!! Empty bay. Calm sea. No-one in sight. Water at perfect 19 degrees. (Cold enough to keep most people out ).
Tom Ang: Final moments of creation of Connectios-Create exhibition. Show opens 9 December 6pm. #queenswharf #loveauckland
Tom Ang: Nature's genius for elegant simplicity. Pseudopanax discolor cultivar.
Tom Ang: Larval flows that underlie Auckland (the red bits) . Great to be taught by expert!
Tom Ang: Kitchen in crisp New Zealand light.
Tom Ang: Sloppy uncivil behaviour of e-scooter users. Ponsonby Central , Auckland.
Tom Ang: Checking out great exhibition space just up road from us ... for a client.
Tom Ang: Our bathroom spider busily extending her web now over a year old!
Tom Ang: Oxford Street Sydney window.
Tom Ang: Well practised at group selfies!
Tom Ang: Passerby on Sydney pavement.