marianna armata: morning light
BeNowMeHere: Purely
marianna armata: smoking Hot!
boazenterprise7: broken wing act
boazenterprise7: Tree Swallowing enjoying a home made house
boazenterprise7: Panther falls, Columbia River Gorge
boazenterprise7: Punch bowl falls, Columbia River Groge
boazenterprise7: Mother Killdeer playing the broke wing trick to keep me away from the nest
boazenterprise7: Male Anna headed for the watering hole
boazenterprise7: Mother Killdeer sounding the alarm
boazenterprise7: Male Rufous Hummingbird at the local watering hole
boazenterprise7: Landed and eating
boazenterprise7: Male Anna taking off
boazenterprise7: Male Anna enjoying a stay at the local watering hole
lenk.adam: lake washington
lenk.adam: Challenge - Flash + Ambient
lenk.adam: Crash
lenk.adam: ambush boot
boazenterprise7: Volunteer Park Conservatory Seattle
boazenterprise7: Juanita Bay Park
boazenterprise7: Juanita Bay Park
lenk.adam: Nick
mfenne: Barrell Cactus
marianna armata: bokeh grass in sparkling snow
Christian Despatie: DSC_4174.jpg
leekite1: droplet macro
jule_s1: Butterfly, birds and a frog