su1droot: Blipfestival 2011 - Peter Swimm
the_Agent: 186 Peter Swimm
Chiptography: NovPulsewave_020.JPG
fcd72: UFO-Coverage
Mr Tomczak: At The Formal
WFMU: The Will The Sound Guy - Studio A Soundboard for 2024!
Rosa Menkman: TNTD
minusbaby: 1148BP a.k.a. Eleven 8bitpeoples EP Covers and the minusbaby Logotype (2003—2009)
infradead: P1000246
Fx6Ex6: Pulsewave 03 28 09
Matt The Modulator: How to circuit bend a Gakken SX-150 synth
nullsleep: Futurisk 2.0???
jasoneppink: Bit Shifter - March Of The Nucleotides (part 2)
subat0mic: midibox sid
DauragonCMikado: old graduation pic
p_kirn: Handmade Music 8/23/07 with Etsy Labs, CDM, and Make
starpause kid: SANY0102clavicleRock
Alphasuntory: IMG_4365.JPG