OnTheSlowTrack: A veiw from our 11th story Taipei hotel room
OnTheSlowTrack: A veiw from our 11th story Taipei hotel room
OnTheSlowTrack: A cloudy day at Taipei 101
OnTheSlowTrack: Some interesting art pieces in the Park City Hotel lobby
OnTheSlowTrack: A pitted rock on the 野柳 beach
OnTheSlowTrack: A natural pier at the 野柳 beach
OnTheSlowTrack: A clear day at 野柳 beach
OnTheSlowTrack: Nice view of one of the temples at 九份
OnTheSlowTrack: A sky lantern floating up at 十分
OnTheSlowTrack: The clouds were rolling in to New Taipei City, Luzhou District (新北市瀘州區)