OnTheSlowTrack: 20170927_FlagFootball_204-2
OnTheSlowTrack: Games around the world at Levi's Stadium.
OnTheSlowTrack: Having a great time!! #yodelfieldday
OnTheSlowTrack: green frog container and froggy clock
OnTheSlowTrack: A lego vehicle
OnTheSlowTrack: One of the Taipa bridges at night
OnTheSlowTrack: The Macau tower at night
OnTheSlowTrack: A nice shot of the TV tower
OnTheSlowTrack: A television station tower
OnTheSlowTrack: Guangzhou skyline across the river
OnTheSlowTrack: A very nice bridge
OnTheSlowTrack: This restaurant is known for the special way they prepare chicken
OnTheSlowTrack: The Guangzhou train terminal
OnTheSlowTrack: Feeling out of place?
OnTheSlowTrack: The sun is really viscious in the Summer
OnTheSlowTrack: Mickey riding on a whale spout
OnTheSlowTrack: All windows on this MRT train look like Mickey
OnTheSlowTrack: A great view of the ocean in the distance from the Buddha statue
OnTheSlowTrack: Other smaller bronze statues surround the giant Buddha
OnTheSlowTrack: The giant bronze Buddha statue of Hong Kong
OnTheSlowTrack: This is the plaza that people can gather to go either up to the Buddha statue or to the temple
OnTheSlowTrack: Shops line the way to the base of the stairs that leads up to the buddha statue
OnTheSlowTrack: The sitting buddah statue
OnTheSlowTrack: Cloud formations hugging the hills
OnTheSlowTrack: The cables and the trams stretching out ahead
OnTheSlowTrack: Passing by a boat speeing in the bay
OnTheSlowTrack: LED lights generate different patterns on the ceiling
OnTheSlowTrack: Concrete jungle of Hong Kong
OnTheSlowTrack: The fountain at the Peak Tram station
OnTheSlowTrack: A partially cloudy day outside of the Central station.