noeslamay: 10509492_1459674144323031_7881118710049319484_n
parbo art: Parallel Axis, red pencil on paper, 42 x 60 cm. This is the complementary work of these two artworks that were made almost at the same moment and pushed together to reinforce each other. the conscious and the subconscious are only fields of the same imag
Photos © Ian Cox - @airbornemark hard at it bringing colour to the walls of #London for #meetingofstyles2016. #wallkandy #art #streetart #graffiti #painting #fb #f #t #p
Juan Diego Mejía - Ha llegado el momeeeentoooo
Chrixcel: Nilko
mad semor: new york
P O R K O: Bocetti
malakkai: when i met you and your town
dms163: BRASIL 2015
guztok_1: TETSUO
mvlegrív: otro amanecer a las brasas
Walls Of Milano: ZAKULA'S CASTLE
DXTR - The Weird: Primus x DXTR / Portland
monchone: Clero.
Blind Mcmxc: Mataor
Blind Mcmxc: El fantasma del bosque
Blind Mcmxc: Tris X teza
Blind Mcmxc: El Colgado.
524 FIVΣTWΘFΘUR: Budapest 2013. Thanks to Naamloozzzz Eindeloozzzz #pasteup #streetart #art
Somos lo que nuestros padres no aprendieron.: Cicatrizado hace un mes aprox
Cuarto Fredz: pato sticker
Cuarto Fredz: trescaballos
Pixelpancho: Enjoy destroing your body
dulk_: Work in progress
GHORE MAL: Vampiros pintando Zombies
dulk_: IMG_2241
TRU4N: antiguo , mario rules.