toddkeith533: Tucker, almost 7 months
toddkeith533: Pinocchio travels through space
toddkeith533: "The Wishing Well"
toddkeith533: I love trash - Oscar the Grouch gets replaced
toddkeith533: the old with the new, more from our rose garden
toddkeith533: From our rose garden
toddkeith533: A wish for the world on this Memorial Day!
toddkeith533: View out of our front window
toddkeith533: One of Tucker's favorite toys greets me
toddkeith533: Mother's day bouquet
toddkeith533: My only ticket to solitude
toddkeith533: Babar takes a night ride
toddkeith533: New photo toys to play with
toddkeith533: Tucker, can you even see me ?
toddkeith533: Skeleton key found
toddkeith533: magic carpet ride in space for Cricket
toddkeith533: hello!!
toddkeith533: Giving Hands, the gift of charity
toddkeith533: a ride in the starry night - Minion
toddkeith533: wooden finial
toddkeith533: Automobile Folk Art
toddkeith533: Tucker's favorite pose for me
toddkeith533: One of my cherished memorabilia from living in Berlin
toddkeith533: Denim, the only way to dress
toddkeith533: Remember these ?
toddkeith533: Time for a picnic and read a good book
toddkeith533: glass art
toddkeith533: No water today!
toddkeith533: succulent ouch!!
toddkeith533: changing season