tkclip47: Juvenile Ring-billed Gull - Ocean City, MD
tkclip47: Adult Ring Billed Gull - Ocean City, Md.
tkclip47: Tundra Swans - Blackwater Wildlife Refuge
tkclip47: Primping at Blackwater ..
tkclip47: Snow Geese - Blackwater Wildlife Refuge
tkclip47: Herring Gull - Ocean City MD.
tkclip47: A cold and windy day at Blackwater ..
tkclip47: Bald Eagles - Hamming it up for the Osprey Cam
tkclip47: Turkey Vulture - 1 - Blackwater Wildlife Refuge
tkclip47: Turkey Vulture - 2
tkclip47: Great White Egret
tkclip47: Laughing Gull (Larus atricilla)
tkclip47: Green Heron (Juvenile)
tkclip47: Mallard Duck (juvenile)
tkclip47: Canada Geese Gosling - Growing up fast.
tkclip47: Black-crowned Night-Heron
tkclip47: Black-crowned Night-Heron
tkclip47: Mallard Duck (juvenile)
tkclip47: Great Blue Heron
tkclip47: Red Wing Black Bird
tkclip47: Bald Eagle
tkclip47: Great White Egret
tkclip47: Red Wing Blackbird
tkclip47: Great Blue Heron
tkclip47: Great Blue Heron
tkclip47: Osprey
tkclip47: Roseate tern
tkclip47: Laughing gull
tkclip47: Great Blue Heron
tkclip47: Great White Egret