tkclip47: Eclipse 1
tkclip47: Eclipse 2
tkclip47: Eclipse 3
tkclip47: Merry Christmas
tkclip47: Cape May, New Jersey
tkclip47: Plumbago auriculata
tkclip47: Red Spider
tkclip47: Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
tkclip47: Columbine (Aquilegia)
tkclip47: Boat-Tailed Grackle (Quiscalus Major)
tkclip47: Raiders of the Lost Ark - Disney World
tkclip47: False Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa juncta)
tkclip47: Bluebird (Juvenile)
tkclip47: Yellow Zinnia
tkclip47: Osprey
tkclip47: Earwig - (Forficula auricularia)
tkclip47: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
tkclip47: Eastern Bluebird - Male (Sialia sialis)
tkclip47: Two Lined Spittlebug (Aphrophoridae-Hemiptera)
tkclip47: Sweat Bee (Halictus ligatus/poeyi)
tkclip47: Juvenile Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
tkclip47: Ivory Marked Beetle (Eburia quadrigeminata)
tkclip47: Brood X Cidada (Video)
tkclip47: Brood X Cicada - Laying Eggs
tkclip47: Brood X Cidada
tkclip47: Brood X Cicada
tkclip47: Cinquefoil (Potentilla recta)
tkclip47: Red-fringed Emerald - Nemoria bistriara
tkclip47: Bluebird - female (Sialia sialis)
tkclip47: Washington National Cathedral Library