tkclip47: Cosmos
tkclip47: One of the Last Calendula's of the Year
tkclip47: Drone fly - (Eristalis tenax)
tkclip47: A Narrow Mountian Road
tkclip47: Common Checkered Skipper (pyrgus communis)
tkclip47: Fiery Skipper (hylephila phyleus) - On Yellow Zinnia
tkclip47: Red Zinnia
tkclip47: Monarch Butterfly on Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica)
tkclip47: Milkweed Seed Pod
tkclip47: Honey Bee on White Aster
tkclip47: Comus, MD
tkclip47: In the Woods
tkclip47: Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)
tkclip47: Fiery Skipper (hylephila phyleus) - Black Hill Regional Park - Boyds MD.
tkclip47: Sacred Lotus Seedpod ..
tkclip47: Purple Aster
tkclip47: Silver Spotted Skipper on Sacred Lotus Seedpod
tkclip47: Water Lily
tkclip47: Eastern Bumble Bee (Bombus impatiens)
tkclip47: Prairie Cone Flower
tkclip47: Cone Flowers
tkclip47: Day Lily
tkclip47: Daisy's in a field of Nigella Damascena
tkclip47: Lily Flower Bud
tkclip47: Prunotto Asiatic Lily
tkclip47: 'Lucerne' Blued Eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium)
tkclip47: Love in a mist (Nigella Damascena)
tkclip47: Red and Yellow Rose
tkclip47: Foxglove Lavender Blooms
tkclip47: White Foxglove "Cloud"