Thomas Kent:
North Star Redux
Thomas Kent:
North Star in Summer
Thomas Kent:
Magnetic Shift
Thomas Kent:
Strawberry Martini_IGP3535
Thomas Kent:
Tomato Juice_IGP3548
Thomas Kent:
Thomas Kent:
Portrait of a Woman
Thomas Kent:
Eye of the Bullfrog
Thomas Kent:
Northern Garter Snake
Thomas Kent:
Katydid Nymph
Thomas Kent:
Fly on a Stick Stack
Thomas Kent:
Cecropia Belly
Thomas Kent:
Gaillardia pulchella with Halictus ligatus (Female)
Thomas Kent:
Ant on Grass
Thomas Kent:
Colorful Creek Bank Jumping Spider
Thomas Kent:
Goldenrod Spider on Oxeye Daisy
Thomas Kent:
American House Spider Protecting Eggs (Female)
Thomas Kent:
Jumping Spider (Salticidae)
Thomas Kent:
Metylophorus novaescotiae (Bark Lice)