Thomas Kent: 5 Finger Lickin
Thomas Kent: 2 Web of Light
Thomas Kent: 3 Butterfly Mask
Thomas Kent: Dolomedes tenebrosus eating Tabanidae G. sp.
Thomas Kent: Zebra Jumping Spider
Thomas Kent: Ladybug
Thomas Kent: Weevil on my arm
Thomas Kent: House Mosquito Culex pipiens (I think) With What Looks Like Mites
Thomas Kent: Spider Stealing My Beer
Thomas Kent: Jumping Spider on My Hand (Female Plegra hentzi?)
Thomas Kent: Very Young Jumping Spider in My Arm Hair
Thomas Kent: Monarch Butterfly Egg (Danaus plexippus)
Thomas Kent: Monarch Butterfly Pupa -- Freshly Formed. (Danaus plexippus)
Thomas Kent: Milkweed Blossom
Thomas Kent: "Eye" of the Waved Sphinx Moth (Ceratomia undulosa)
Thomas Kent: Calm Before the Storm
Thomas Kent: White Marked Tussock Moth Caterpillar (Orgyia leucostigma)
Thomas Kent: Habronattus calcaratus maddisoni
Thomas Kent: Sleeping Bee Stack
Thomas Kent: Phoretic Mites on Nicrophorus orbicollis (Burying Beetle)
Thomas Kent: Jumping Spider with Prey on Screen at BugShot 2011
Thomas Kent: Caterpillar (Acronicta oblinita?)
Thomas Kent: Wolf Spider Stack
Thomas Kent: Chrysididae; Cuckoo Wasp Chrysis cembricola maybe
Thomas Kent: Jumping Spider on Tripod
Thomas Kent: Naphrys Jumping Spider?
Thomas Kent: Zen Tension
Thomas Kent: Metylophorus novaescotiae (Bark Lice)
Thomas Kent: Dragonfly