TJ Gehling: Sphex lucae on goldenrod
TJ Gehling: Sharing the goldenrod
TJ Gehling: A collection of wasps
TJ Gehling: Potter or mason wasp
TJ Gehling: Black and yellow mud dauber
TJ Gehling: European paper wasp
TJ Gehling: Burying the evidence
TJ Gehling: Tarantula hawk on yampah
TJ Gehling: First come, first served
TJ Gehling: Hunting tarantulas
TJ Gehling: Cuckoo wasp
TJ Gehling: Burrowing wasp on Eriogonum
TJ Gehling: Burrowing wasp on Eriogonum
TJ Gehling: Wasp
TJ Gehling: Blue mud wasp
TJ Gehling: Paper wasp in Clarkia
TJ Gehling: Wasp on false watercress
TJ Gehling: Stenodynerus anormis
TJ Gehling: Are you going to finish that chicken?
TJ Gehling: Aphid wasp
TJ Gehling: Wasp and aphids
TJ Gehling: Jaws
TJ Gehling: Mud-dauber wasp
TJ Gehling: Aphid hunters
TJ Gehling: Hornet's nest
TJ Gehling: Tarantula hawk
TJ Gehling: Black and yellow mud-dauber
TJ Gehling: Ichneumon Wasp ?
TJ Gehling: Wasp on cow parsnip
TJ Gehling: European paper wasp