TJ Gehling: Measuring the Scabiosa
TJ Gehling: Coelioxys on Scabiosa
TJ Gehling: Wear and tear
TJ Gehling: Monarch on Red valarian
TJ Gehling: Drinking flowers
TJ Gehling: Western tiger swallowtail
TJ Gehling: Twinberry
TJ Gehling: Anise swallowtail on Jupiter's beard
TJ Gehling: Pincushion and cabbage white
TJ Gehling: Tiger and cat
TJ Gehling: Fiery skipper on a pincushion
TJ Gehling: Papilio rutulus
TJ Gehling: Full of teasels
TJ Gehling: Checkered skipper
TJ Gehling: Painted lady on jupiter's beard
TJ Gehling: Ladies
TJ Gehling: Sipping lady
TJ Gehling: Honey bee on Scabiosa