TJ Gehling: Action of the tiger
TJ Gehling: Anise swallowtail on fool's watercress
TJ Gehling: Eristalis drone fly
TJ Gehling: Stevenia?
TJ Gehling: Another largish hoverfly
TJ Gehling: Wasp on false watercress
TJ Gehling: Syrphus hoverfly
TJ Gehling: Otiorhynchus sulcatus
TJ Gehling: Two-by-two
TJ Gehling: With a damselfly on my knee
TJ Gehling: Pond fly
TJ Gehling: Syritta flaviventris
TJ Gehling: Blue mud wasp
TJ Gehling: Caught in the spiderverse
TJ Gehling: Dancer on my knuckle
TJ Gehling: Syritta on watercress
TJ Gehling: Spittlebug
TJ Gehling: Face to face
TJ Gehling: Hoverfly
TJ Gehling: Up close
TJ Gehling: Stiletto fly
TJ Gehling: Put 'er there