TJ Gehling: Lil' Cthulhu
TJ Gehling: Turquoise tanager (Tangara mexicana)
TJ Gehling: Through a glass
TJ Gehling: Weedy Sea Dragon (Phyllopteryx taeniolatus)
TJ Gehling: Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica)
TJ Gehling: Hecale longwing (Heliconius hecale)
TJ Gehling: Burmese vine snake (Ahaetulla fronticincta)
TJ Gehling: Red-legged honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus)
TJ Gehling: Anna's hummingbird skull
TJ Gehling: Black Skimmer skull
TJ Gehling: Clapper Rail skull
TJ Gehling: Allodesmus kelloggi
TJ Gehling: Frigatebird and cormorant skulls
TJ Gehling: Avocet and oystercatcher skulls
TJ Gehling: Willet and dowitcher skulls
TJ Gehling: some duck skulls
TJ Gehling: Grebe skulls
TJ Gehling: Sea otter skull
TJ Gehling: Wolf eel skull
TJ Gehling: Sara longwings
TJ Gehling: Sea horse skeleton
TJ Gehling: Tasmanian devil
TJ Gehling: Orca 0319
TJ Gehling: Big Bills