TJ Gehling: Didelphis skull
TJ Gehling: Didelphis skull
TJ Gehling: Didelphis upper molars
TJ Gehling: Didelphis lower molars
TJ Gehling: A flat rat
TJ Gehling: Murre?
TJ Gehling: Western grebe?
TJ Gehling: Killdeer (dead)
TJ Gehling: Frigatebird and cormorant skulls
TJ Gehling: Avocet and oystercatcher skulls
TJ Gehling: Willet and dowitcher skulls
TJ Gehling: some duck skulls
TJ Gehling: Sea lion skull
TJ Gehling: Sea lion skull
TJ Gehling: Grebe skulls
TJ Gehling: Stenopterygius
TJ Gehling: Allodesmus kelloggi
TJ Gehling: Megalodon
TJ Gehling: T-rex
TJ Gehling: Pteranodon ingens
TJ Gehling: Barnacles on a mussel
TJ Gehling: Clam shell
TJ Gehling: Mussel with barnacles
TJ Gehling: Gopher skull
TJ Gehling: Gopher skull
TJ Gehling: Raccoon cranium
TJ Gehling: Raccoon basicranium
TJ Gehling: Raccoon mandible
TJ Gehling: An ex-gull
TJ Gehling: Dead duck