Ted Humphreys Nature: Cuckoo at Estrela, Portugal
Bojan Žavcer: The Eurasian coot (Fulica atra),
Bojan Žavcer: Northern shoveler
jodiboe: Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola)
tfells: L0A4877-Whooping Crane
TW Olympia: Prairie Warbler
dougphillips41: Barn Owl
jean-francoislavallée: Geai bleu/blue jay
biguglystuff: acorn woodpecker
biguglystuff: cinnamon teal
Sandy Hill :-): SPRING IS IN THE AIR
digitalattempt: Northern saw-whet owl
GD Johnson: Blackburnian Warbler
GaryT48: Harlequin Raft
littlebiddle: Striking a pose!
Austin H.: Cassin's Vireo with a spider
john.dart: Pallid Cuckoo.
captured views: California Quail - Callipepla californica
john.dart: Common Bronzewing, male.
Larry Gridley: Swallow-tailed Kite
Dah Professor: Blue-winged Warbler
mountainpath2001: Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, LeConte's Sparrow
Mike Lentz Photography: Prothonotary warbler
pat-trick: Sora
Mike Martin, Wildlife Photography: Dickcissel in mating song...
Larry Gridley: Scarlet Tanager
Bill McMullen: Wilson's Snipe Classic Pose
Larry Gridley: Kentucky Warbler
Ron Kube Photography: Northern Hawk Owl DSC_5233
Sharon's Bird Photos: Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus)