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New and Recent Acquisitions
Tufts University MS 17
Tufts University MS 24: Dominican miscellany
Tufts University MS 16: Cicero; Petrarcus; Pseudo-Plutarchus
Cicero, in Tufts University MS 16
Western Political Thought I
Shakespeare, Dramatic works; Hosea Ballou's copy (1847)
Montesquieu, Spirit of laws (1766, 1802)
Montesquieu, Lettres persanes (1784)
Hobbes, Elementorum philosophiae sectio secunda de homine (1658)
Hobbes, Elements of Philosophy (1656)
Hobbes, Leviathan (1651)
Hobbes, Thucydides, History of the Grecian War (1676)
Machiavelli, The Prince (1540)
Aristotle, Opera latine cum commentariis Averrois (1483)
Aristotle, Works (1576)
Aristotle Organon (1495)
Stephanus Plato (1578)
Neubauer Seminar
Aldine Plato (1513)
Manuscript Fragments
Manuscript Fragments in Bindings
Tufts University Ms. 15. Albert of Saxony, "Sophismata"
Tufts University Ms. 14. Albert of Saxony, "Questiones"
Ms. 13, Cerevisia secundum methodi q[aes]tiones descripta
Ms. 12, Aurea Verba of Giles of Assisi
Ms. 11, Business document, Italy (Modena), 1580
Ms. 10, Writings of Goffredo da Trani
Ms. 9, Book of Hours, Use of Utrecht
Ms. 8, 15th Century manuscript of religious writings
Ms. 7, Passio Domini Nostri Ihesu Christi
Ms. 6, Commission of Doge Andrea Gritti to Lorenzo Diedo as Podestà of Montefalcone, Venice, 1533.
Ms. 5, Historia Quattuor Regum Angliae
Ms. 4, Magna Carta, Forest Charter, Statutes (14th Century)
Ms. 3: Indulgences and other prayers, in Latin. Germany c. 1470
Tufts University Ms. 2: Book of Hours [Use of Paris]. Early 15th Century
Tufts University Ms. 1. Hymnal, Ferial Psalter. 14th Century.
Parents & Family Weekend Rare Book Exhibit
Mystery Binder
Bible. Gospels. Arabic & Latin. 1591.
Chronicles of Battle - The Bayeux Tapestry and The Great War : July 1, 1916 : the first day of the Battle of the Somme: an illustrated panorama, by Joe Sacco
Des. Erasmi Roterod. Colloqvia nunc emendatiora. Vidit, pervidit, risit.
Leaves from medieval manuscripts, early printed, and fine press books, 12th - 20th Centuries, donated by Walter F. Welch, Jr., Class of 1928
The Right of Secession, by Joel Parker
Original leaves from famous books: eight centuries 1240 AD - 1923 AD
Asa Tufts Collection