michael_hughes: Urban Idylls #141
theamazingtommy: SNAKKKKKKKEEEEE
voxel123: Pop-Art-erial Coloring
Daily Rafaqat: Qaum-e-Aad
RominikaH: Hospital
//BWR: !! stromboli
goddessbirthhelp: be an L not a C (moms advice on posture)
goddessbirthhelp: Everything is perfect.
Bob Carpenter: Antikythera mechanism recreation
jpmccusker: Antikythera Menchanism shows hobo path to the stars
neocles: Radiographs
uncle_shoggoth: Antikythera Mechanism Model
Anua22a: Antikythera Mechanism
Michæl Paukner: The Antikythera Mechanism
Irene_M: Ανακατασκευή αστρολάβου των Αντικυθήρων / Reconstruction of the Antikythera mechanism
EspressoBuzz: img158
tamedblossom: i.am.nerd. :: amanda, jed & sweetpea
twiga269 EVEREST: Andina Cruz en Andesita
rctimmermann: Ruins at Puma Punku, Bolivia.
maddyswelt: Tiwanaku: Puma Punku
DocChewbacca: The Lord of the Rings: "My precious!"
DocChewbacca: Are you sure it's a good idea?
cindyloughridge: TTVlicious
Grana Padano!: DOMO CLEAN!