TimVo: Song Sparrow in the backyard
TimVo: Here’s something you won’t see in the digital age, an accidental double exposure. A Starling feeds its brood,and the Greater Yellowlegs approves.
TimVo: Wilson's Snipe
TimVo: Short-eared Owl at Ridgefield NWR
TimVo: Short-eared Owl in flight
TimVo: Scan 6
TimVo: Sandhill Crane
TimVo: Big Backyard Sunflower
TimVo: Shortie on a fence post
TimVo: light face on this Short-eared Owl
TimVo: Lincoln's Sparrow
TimVo: Short-eared Owl
TimVo: Everybody do... the Scrub Jay Hunch!
TimVo: A Flicker for Flickr
TimVo: Neighborhood Coyote
TimVo: female Red-winged Blackbird
TimVo: Scan 180
TimVo: Scan 181
TimVo: Scan 182
TimVo: Mother Anna's Hummingbird incubating vs intruding AH
TimVo: Red-tailed Hawk at Errol Heights City Park