timtom.ch: Former Montreal Central Library
timtom.ch: Former Montreal Central Library
timtom.ch: Great hall of the former Montreal Central Library
timtom.ch: Le Grand Costumier
timtom.ch: Evening on the McGill quad with the McLennan library in the background.
timtom.ch: McLennan library at sunset
timtom.ch: Webster Library at night
timtom.ch: Danforth/Coxwell branch, Toronto Public Library
timtom.ch: Ancienne Bibliothèque publique juive de Montréal
timtom.ch: Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University
timtom.ch: Mills Memorial Library, McMaster University
timtom.ch: Médiathèque Jean Falala
timtom.ch: De Petrus Vught
timtom.ch: De Petrus Vught
timtom.ch: De Petrus Vught
timtom.ch: Kentville Library
timtom.ch: Archives Cantonales Vaudoises
timtom.ch: Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
timtom.ch: Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
timtom.ch: Medien- und Informationszentrum Stadtbücherei Biberach
timtom.ch: Medien- und Informationszentrum Stadtbücherei Biberach
timtom.ch: MMLL Library, University of Cambridge
timtom.ch: Seeley Historical Library from the MMLL Library
timtom.ch: Raised faculty building, University of Cambridge
timtom.ch: Raised faculty building, University of Cambridge
timtom.ch: MMLL Library, University of Cambridge
timtom.ch: Bâtiment E, HEAD Genève
timtom.ch: Bibliothèque HEAD, Genève
timtom.ch: Bibliothèque HEAD, Genève
timtom.ch: Bibliothèque HEAD, Genève