*tos*: the best of both worlds
*tos*: The Noctilife: Shanghai Bus Stop
*tos*: Rocky Xu: The Hai Life
*tos*: leader of the pack
*tos*: meeting people is easy (no. 23)
*tos*: “The soul of the world had opened and I fantasized that everything wicked, distressing and painful was on the point of vanishing...all notion of the future paled and the past dissolved. In the glowing present, I myself glowed.” ― Robert Walser, The Walk
*tos*: if i was your girlfriend
*tos*: "The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments." - Abraham Heschel
*tos*: vacation photos are not my strong suit
*tos*: profiles and shadows
*tos*: "If you go flying back through time, and you see somebody else flying forward into the future, it's probably best to avoid eye contact." - Jack Handy
*tos*: meeting people is easy (no. 10)
*tos*: there was pure excitement in her eyes
*tos*: Crosswalk Diaries: Wicker Park, Chicago . 6.8.2012
*tos*: "I'm not in the business...I am the business"
*tos*: maybe I'd give you my world
*tos*: Dede
*tos*: rangefinders as big as your head
*tos*: across the way no. 2
*tos*: sunrise at Venice Beach
*tos*: just the facts
*tos*: stay in your lane
*tos*: my static life
*tos*: old fashioned
*tos*: "if you never noticed, it never happened."
*tos*: Giant Steps
*tos*: my last LA trip companions
*tos*: across Abbot Kinney
*tos*: polarizing arguments
*tos*: when he was three