powkey: First wedding anniversary. This girl makes it feel so easy.
powkey: New apartment, new city, new country.
powkey: Wrote my first app for Rhino 6 called “Tabl_”. Give it a try at food4rhino.com/app/tabl. It will change your life. #rhino #tabl
powkey: Last day of work at 10 Design! Sad to leave, will miss this crew. Where else can I dress as princess Diana on my last day. #christmasparty
powkey: Hello Singapore! #F1
powkey: Happy 3rd birthday Wes!
powkey: Reading the translation on my shampoo has become my morning mantra. #TheFeelFeeling
powkey: A print, of a scan, of a sculpture, of a drawing, of another sculpture, of a man. #aristotle #3dprinting
powkey: A print, of a scan, of a sculpture, of a drawing, of another sculpture, of a man. #aristotle #3dprinting
powkey: Surprise trip to Tokyo in 4 hours for my birthday! I love this girl!
powkey: Hong Kong Topography #3dprinting #hongkong
powkey: Think > Sketch > Model > Print > Repeat
powkey: Dimensions___Series___0030 "Fairly Bad Blackberry" User generated forms from the exhibition "Reveal 2". #generativeart #architecture
powkey: Getting jacked into the Matrix. #vr
powkey: Trump forcing you out of the US? Don't worry, the rest of the world is pretty awesome. #kualalumpur #worktrip