Poupetta: Swimming classes every Sunday for the wee one
Poupetta: In between stormy weathers
Poupetta: Those were the days when monograms were handmade
Poupetta: Somebody likes shells
Poupetta: When you just need a clean bed for the night and it's within your budget
Poupetta: Green olives - Explored
Poupetta: Untitled
Poupetta: Bird on a wire
Poupetta: Alabaster. Optical illusion.
Poupetta: Photo bomb
Poupetta: Woman wearing a knitted, red beret
Poupetta: Nothing lasts forever
Poupetta: Your younger self is never too far
Poupetta: Baby elephant & mother
Poupetta: A pig called Nasse
Poupetta: Suvilahti
Poupetta: Life will find a way
Poupetta: Sofia Kyrka in Stockholm
Poupetta: Lest we forget the hostages kidnapped by Hamas !
Poupetta: All alone at the top - Explored.
Poupetta: Crossing
Poupetta: The Etzel Museum - 1948
Poupetta: Sacred
Poupetta: Living and studying up the hill
Poupetta: All that glitters is not gold
Poupetta: A million knots
Poupetta: Budding
Poupetta: Spring has sprung in Stockholm
Poupetta: Jellyfish surprise