Poupetta: Together we can bear it
Poupetta: Be kind, life is so short
Poupetta: I give you my heart
Poupetta: Hello there
Poupetta: I see you up in the balcony
Poupetta: All you have to do is put a teddy bear or other stuffed animal, or a drawing of a rainbow, in a window.
Poupetta: Time to be more with our children
Poupetta: Dust
Poupetta: Proposal
Poupetta: Sending virtual hugs to all the lonely people
Poupetta: Going on a bear hunt
Poupetta: Once upon a time there were three polar bears ...
Poupetta: Blue bear
Poupetta: Brown bear
Poupetta: Hi there !
Poupetta: Two bears inside and an electricity box outside
Poupetta: Are we there yet ?
Poupetta: Polar bear in the city
Poupetta: Ready for a hug when you are
Poupetta: A bunch of friends
Poupetta: They have become lovely, familiars sights behind windows
Poupetta: A bear in the window
Poupetta: Going on a Bear hunt
Poupetta: In a good mood
Poupetta: Bears and friends
Poupetta: Bear in a window
Poupetta: A bear in a dusty window
Poupetta: Winnie the Pooh
Poupetta: A bear in the window
Poupetta: Reflections and a bear