Poupetta: The ring
Poupetta: Emma's butterfly
Poupetta: Holding hands with a crab
Poupetta: Stop taking pictures of me, Nonna!
Poupetta: You make me laugh and cry
Poupetta: His hands - dancing swans
Poupetta: I've kissed her hands a million times with love, appreciation & gratitude.
Poupetta: Visibility to kindness, act of love
Poupetta: The golden apples of the sun
Poupetta: Paz is Peace. Paz is Love.
Poupetta: Love is forever, and trust, too.
Poupetta: Magic
Poupetta: Ten little fingers
Poupetta: Bless you, little one
Poupetta: Loving trust
Poupetta: Ana HaShem Hoshia Na
Poupetta: As different as each finger is
Poupetta: That is for me from me
Poupetta: Love a tree !
Poupetta: Screwdriver
Poupetta: Five little fingers
Poupetta: Une mèche de cheveux
Poupetta: This little hand
Poupetta: In Zoe's hands
Poupetta: Five raspberries and a little hand
Poupetta: Raspberry is yummy
Poupetta: Scrambled eggs, salt, and avocado on Finnish rye bread
Poupetta: A gift from our lovely chicken
Poupetta: When time is ripe
Poupetta: Not quite a dirty dozen