Poupetta: Mandarine
Poupetta: Batata
Poupetta: Eggplant
Poupetta: Cucumber
Poupetta: Cucumber - pickled maybe?
Poupetta: Mashed cucumber
Poupetta: Garlic
Poupetta: "And if somebody loves you, won't they always love you? I look in your eyes and I know you still care for me."
Poupetta: Mega dimension
Poupetta: Washed out
Poupetta: Cast thy bread upon the waters
Poupetta: Untitled
Poupetta: Untitled
Poupetta: Untitled
Poupetta: Barefooted on the beach
Poupetta: Green variations - 1/3
Poupetta: I forgot the R
Poupetta: Heart of stone
Poupetta: The right key opens any door
Poupetta: The choices we make
Poupetta: Never ending
Poupetta: When words and actions don't match
Poupetta: After the storm
Poupetta: To be sheltered like a fetus in her Mommy's womb
Poupetta: Miscalculating
Poupetta: Left behind on the beach
Poupetta: Yellow heart
Poupetta: Broken heart
Poupetta: Feathers
Poupetta: Framed