darenwilz: mystery object with a clue if you examine it closely.
Spontaneousnap: Nameless
Jan Jespersen: Dog at Karen Blixens Plads
GioRetti: Time Flows
SinoLaZZeR: Zürich
SinoLaZZeR: Luzern
marianna armata: furry curlicue
Thomas Hawk: I See You're Leaving Soon
Spontaneousnap: Nameless
tomas teneketzis: 81T_0087Lw2-1000
koen_jacobs: Walker
stella-mia: Norwegian spring
jtr27: Snyder Brook, New Hampshire
anita.niza: Lichtblick
Renzo Grande: "We Could Have Been More Than Just A Second" Midtown, New York City.
marianna armata: snarling wolves
Georgie Pauwels: More orange street
Volker Stetter: Lisa I
marianna armata: the final descent
sagasurfer: Uproar in Parliament