Time.Captured.: 5544656248_516795422f_b
Time.Captured.: P1030591
Time.Captured.: Window
Time.Captured.: Haus im Wallis
Time.Captured.: Haus im Wallis
Time.Captured.: Bern, "Welle"
Time.Captured.: Berner Reflektionen
Time.Captured.: Fenster, Bern Bahnhof
Time.Captured.: Reflektionen
Time.Captured.: Dachfenster
Time.Captured.: Cabin door
Time.Captured.: Cabin door
Time.Captured.: WRONG!
Time.Captured.: Around the corner
Time.Captured.: Mimikri
Time.Captured.: Window to the sky (3)
Time.Captured.: Window to the sky (2)
Time.Captured.: Window to the sky (1)
Time.Captured.: The blue window
Time.Captured.: Window blinds
Time.Captured.: Spiderman
Time.Captured.: Stifter
Time.Captured.: Mango window
Time.Captured.: Red door [Tribute to jtr27]
Time.Captured.: Red line
Time.Captured.: Germany, 2013
Time.Captured.: Exit (2)