Griff~ography: Turmoil (Explored 7th September 2021)
Antony Ward: Twite linaria flavirostris
TruckinTim: LoweCo and cash desk at sales day
EvilEyeGoshawk: Hawthorn Shieldbug
nican45: York walk, February 2021 - 33
pierre.pruvot2: roitelet triple bandeau
Antony Ward: Dry stone wall abstract
Antony Ward: Emperor dragonfly (m)Anax imperator
TruckinTim: Bob Brook and Amy chat
TruckinTim: Bob Brook and Amy chat
TruckinTim: Trackwork
kookaburra 81: Pipit rousseline
Alan McFadyen: 8th May 2019 Female Redstart
Benjamin Joseph Andrew: Great Bustard
Mandy West: Short-eared Owl
Antony Ward: Black necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)
Bob Hopkins Photography: Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Alan-Taylor: Shelter
ABPhotosUK: Treecreeper
Antony Ward: Transporter Bridge,Middlesborough
rob of rochdale: which way?
Antony Ward: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
alh1: Slide copies Box 15.4 & 5, Florence October 1986
svenpetersen1965: Good Luck for 2019
alh1: Slide copies Box 14.4, May 1986
rob of rochdale: Seasoning in the sun
rob of rochdale: The Backstreets
Antony Ward: The Duchess