timbercamp: Horseshoe Bay
timbercamp: Ascending towards Gannet Pass
timbercamp: View of Shagak Bay from the southern slopes of Mount Moffett
timbercamp: Waterfall on Adak Island, Alaska
timbercamp: Looking across Andrew Bay to Mount Moffett
timbercamp: Former military housing on Adak
timbercamp: View of Mount Reed from somewhere near Hiker’s Pass
timbercamp: Adak, Alaska
timbercamp: Abandoned LORAN station
timbercamp: F/V Heritage
timbercamp: Kuluk Bay
timbercamp: Stream on Adak
timbercamp: Hole in the tundra on Adak (hiking pole for scale)
timbercamp: Aleutian Summer
timbercamp: Summer in the Aleutian Islands
timbercamp: The lush interior of Adak
timbercamp: Former Adak military housing
timbercamp: Mount Moffett in the clouds
timbercamp: Camping next to the abandoned LORAN station
timbercamp: Survival barrel placed by the U.S. military
timbercamp: The historic Bering Chapel
timbercamp: Interior of Adak
timbercamp: Camping on the north side of Adak
timbercamp: Rommel stake from WWII
timbercamp: Hiking on Adak
timbercamp: Adak, Alaska
timbercamp: View across Expedition Harbor
timbercamp: Rivulet
timbercamp: Adak, Alaska
timbercamp: Rocky beach