timbercamp: Madeira, Portugal
timbercamp: Looking over to West Bond from the top of an old slide track on Mt. Bond
timbercamp: View from the top of the 2011 slide on the west slope of Mt. Bond
timbercamp: Hellgate Ravine
timbercamp: Mt. Shuksan WA
timbercamp: Mt. Shuksan
timbercamp: Monhegan Harbor
timbercamp: View from Scar Ridge
timbercamp: The Presidential Range from Pondicherry (March 2015)
timbercamp: The Sandwich Range from Bald Ledge
timbercamp: Lake Waukewan from Bald Ledge
timbercamp: View from Guy's Slide, Mt. Lincoln
timbercamp: Aitutaki, Cook Islands
timbercamp: Bold Coast, Maine
timbercamp: View from Henry's Ledge (Fall 2016)
timbercamp: Saint-Maurice-de-l'Échouerie, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec
timbercamp: Sandwich Dome summit bushwhack
timbercamp: Sign on the Trans-Taiga Road
timbercamp: Trans-Taiga Road
timbercamp: Trans-Taiga Road
timbercamp: Trans-Taiga Road
timbercamp: Taiga landscape
timbercamp: Sunset
timbercamp: On the Trans-Taiga Road
timbercamp: On the Trans-Taiga Road
timbercamp: km 656
timbercamp: Bushwhacking south of the Trans-Taiga Road (1/3)
timbercamp: Bushwhacking south of the Trans-Taiga Road (2/3)
timbercamp: Bushwhacking south of the Trans-Taiga Road (3/3)
timbercamp: Hilltop view