Michigan Nut: Seasons Collide, Hiawatha National Forest
I am Jacques Strappe: Small Jumping Spider
I am Jacques Strappe: Gopher Snake
I am Jacques Strappe: Little Jumper
jimgrayimages.com: pair bonding
mfophotos: Reason...freezin'
hploeckl: Melancholia
hploeckl: Residents
Ali's view: Little treasures in the moss
Ali's view: Woodland wonder
Ali's view: Fly Agaric
Ali's view: A little light reflection
Ali's view: Fly Agaric
Bruces 51: Treat Farm trail - Trout Lily
I am Jacques Strappe: Ruffed Grouse Nest
GillK2012: Blowing in the wind
Ali's view: Saxifrage
Ali's view: New ferns
mfophotos: Day 149
I am Jacques Strappe: Trout Lilies
Kevin Povenz: Trillium....
Kevin Povenz: Soaking up the sun
Kevin Povenz: Dried mud....
Kevin Povenz: Something a little different.....
Kevin Povenz: Yellow Trout Lily....
yooperann: Flowers on the forest floor