u2rob: DSC_8971
u2rob: DSC_8980
brookeshaden: a dusty room
brianstowell: Sunrise at Rowena Crest, Oregon
sulo~: heart made of barbed wire
brianstowell: Abandon ship! 2
odin's_raven: Just a little drool
92alegna: AS love
Augustus Urbex: The Lodge
odin's_raven: Shag pile
astroberkman17: DSC_2753
odin's_raven: Rogues gallery
sandersonjack15: These are a few of the old Gold Mills in Victor Colorado. Look now, they will soon be swallowed up by the big open pit mine that is consuming everything.
odin's_raven: Vertical
kenfagerdotcom: Rosenwald Apartments
piccardalpha3: IMG_1280
piccardalpha3: IMG_1296
piccardalpha3: IMG_1343