wooze66: about as well equipped as the titanic
wooze66: amazon aitport
wooze66: creeking in the jungle
wooze66: vip to the jungle
wooze66: amazon frog
wooze66: deep in the amazon jungle
wooze66: amazon jungle tribal women
wooze66: amazon wasps' nest
wooze66: parrot saltlick in the amazon
wooze66: yup, that's a sloth!
wooze66: hundreds of parrots at the salt licks
wooze66: the only transport in the jungle
wooze66: seed pod as big as my head ;)
wooze66: tarantula
wooze66: amazon moss
wooze66: amazon parrot in flight
wooze66: "stinky turkeys" of the amazon (hoazin)
wooze66: amazon jungle canopy
wooze66: jungle lizard (camera focus died from 100% humidity)
wooze66: amazon creek reflection
wooze66: and that's a flying monkey (my favourite pic)