wooze66: cheetah profile
wooze66: tandem cheetahs
wooze66: elephant swimming
wooze66: cheetah spots
wooze66: elephant baby mud bath
wooze66: cheetahs
wooze66: stripes wide stripes long
wooze66: 609
wooze66: ship-building against twin peak volcano
wooze66: working the rice fields
wooze66: village dance
wooze66: tsunami evacuation route
wooze66: our own island for a day
wooze66: made to order
wooze66: island duckling
wooze66: island child II
wooze66: island child
wooze66: waterfall type
wooze66: island child IIII
wooze66: weaving indonesian cloth
wooze66: island child IIIII
wooze66: rice
wooze66: island child III
wooze66: island potter
wooze66: rural indonesian island under a volcano
wooze66: ship-building
wooze66: sailing mast
wooze66: sailing indonesia
wooze66: indonesia island coast