kaszeta: La Fenetre
kaszeta: But when you turn the last corner....
Doilum: Deptford Creek
Claus Moser: Thiersee
orangebrompton: Rice pancakes
mmarsupilami: Exposition d'Art contemporain dans le parc de Chaudfontaine (Belgique)
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Black Marble - Americas
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Black Marble - Africa, Europe, and the Middle East
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Black Marble - Asia and Australia
dmswart: The number of people who have shaken hands an odd number of times is even
dmswart: Au Contraire Mon Frère
Claus Moser: Mignano
Avanaut: 3D Nightwatch on Hoth
Doilum: Battersea power station
frank-heinen-photographer: US-Soldatenfriedhof und Gedenkstätte
André Kuipers: Over het zuiderlicht tussen Antarctica en Australie.
tmoertel: Espresso on the windowsill
ancema: feb102 048
GirlieMac: 599 - Network connect timeout error
GirlieMac: 507 - Insufficient Storage
GirlieMac: 508 - Loop Detected
GirlieMac: 502 - Bad Gateway
GirlieMac: 500 - Internal Server Error
GirlieMac: 450 - Blocked by Windows Parental Controls
GirlieMac: 444 - No Response
GirlieMac: 431 - Request Header Fields Too Large
GirlieMac: 429 - Too Many Requests
GirlieMac: 426 - Upgrade Required
GirlieMac: 424 - Failed Dependency