KiredaleKate.: 52 Photos Project - Gallery 20: seasons End.
KiredaleKate.: It's a brand new month! September has always felt like exciting, new beginnings to me. #september, #beginnings
KiredaleKate.: Repurposed
KiredaleKate.: 52 Photos Project, Gallery #16 - a place I've visited (in my dreams!). My new backyard studio.
KiredaleKate.: 52 Photos Project Gallery #15 Street Corners
KiredaleKate.: 52 Photos Project, week 14 - Stairs No unusual or inspiring stairs caught my eye this week so I took this pic of the stairs in my own, stainless steel and bamboo...I like them a lot! (And if course the requisite splash of turquoise).
KiredaleKate.: 52 Photo's Project, Week 13: Summer Refreshment. Pink and Orange slushies at the local country store. I love the two colours together!
KiredaleKate.: 52 Photo's Project, Week 12, "Happiness Is".
KiredaleKate.: 52 Photos Project Week 11 "Honey of The Field"
KiredaleKate.: In Flight
KiredaleKate.: powder blue skies = pure perfection
KiredaleKate.: Criss Cross
KiredaleKate.: crooked line
KiredaleKate.: Diving Into The Deep
KiredaleKate.: The wholeness of You (pink background)
KiredaleKate.: The Wholeness Of You (orange background)
KiredaleKate.: Leave It More Concious Than You Found It
KiredaleKate.: Fear Of Change
KiredaleKate.: Do You Have the Courage
KiredaleKate.: Making A Friend With You
KiredaleKate.: The 50th Step
KiredaleKate.: Service Mentality
KiredaleKate.: Resting Place
KiredaleKate.: Moving Forward
KiredaleKate.: Loving Yourself
KiredaleKate.: Love Yourself First
KiredaleKate.: What's Really True