Yan [TIME and Pressure]:
Expecting you...
Michelle Brea:
I wish all my pictures were about the sea...
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
Those eyes
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
Sissy's lap
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
Mr. Cool
bench high heels
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
Little Miss Cuppycake
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
Hazy Day and oh so mellow
Michelle Brea:
As I Fade
Michelle Brea:
"...behind the mask of ice that people wear, there beats a heart of fire."
Michelle Brea:
Whoever said being a reindeer was fun?
Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves. It is not something we see like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire. Happiness is something we are.
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
Finally Married : )
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
~ 8 Years of love ~
CreativeMommy / SherriWhite:
. . . yawn