Tabi**chu: The rain changed to snow before long..
laurenmarek: kiddie christmas (explore)
jessieroth: (68/365) breakable
Biblioteca de Arte-Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian: Lucie de Sousa Cardoso (1890-1984)
unpolarized: Fallen
Tabi**chu: vendredi
darina85: Lindenhof
Tabi**chu: le son de l'automne i'm standing on the threshold of the ups and the downs Kristen Wiig
Tabi**chu: avenir...
Tabi**chu: la Seine
NYCmiri: Miriam Street
∞bee.m∞: Kaleidescope
caitlynreid: Kristen Wiig
junku: DSC_1278
picazam: towards the unknown
Sad Old Biker: Water droplet -12
New York Public Library: Music tower, looking north at Playland, Rye West. Co. Park S...
Steve Byland: Even More Shameless Self-promotion
George Eastman Museum: Woman with camera
mr172: Unter den Linden
mr172: Unter den Linden
-CP_4_EVER-: ChrisWallpaper only 4 U