Ormie (O): The Crossing Keeper's Waltz...
scasagra: Street of Langres
DarwinRobot: Surprisingly Heavy Weather
sowhat63: Cimetière Montparnasse
Cemetery Boundary: Natural Blanket
Cemetery Boundary: Beseeching
Prunella Fockadey: Troubled mind
Prunella Fockadey: Iggy and Ozzy, best friends forever!
Prunella Fockadey: Touching the sun
Prunella Fockadey: Close to me...
jasonrenfrow: Desert Highway
jasonrenfrow: Joshua Tree Caves
ulrich.loehr: IMG_8917A
benoits15: Peugeot 205 1.8 Diesel
lindampics: Shadows on the Mausoleum
lindampics: Mausoleum Door
lindampics: Celtic Cross
Trish Mayo: It Was All A Dream
bljp 6970: Le Chemin
bljp 6970: Vieille batisse
bljp 6970: Ombre et brouillard
bljp 6970: Viaduc
stephen dutch: Lake View
byronv2: Refuel
royk7606: Pintail Duck
tonyfletcher: 'WHITBY GOTH WEEKEND'
Sherrianne100: Dusk….
Sherrianne100: Warning: Objects in mirror may appear.