through.smudged.lenses: walk the plank.
through.smudged.lenses: seen better days.
through.smudged.lenses: self-portrait.
through.smudged.lenses: above me, beyond you.
through.smudged.lenses: les grandes marches.
through.smudged.lenses: another likely story.
through.smudged.lenses: a paw in my face.
through.smudged.lenses: hungry for face.
through.smudged.lenses: cozy cone at night.
through.smudged.lenses: flo's v8 cafe.
through.smudged.lenses: flo's v8 cafe.
through.smudged.lenses: homeward bound.
through.smudged.lenses: there is a light that never goes out.
through.smudged.lenses: devil's mistress.
through.smudged.lenses: we will soar.
through.smudged.lenses: a delicate sense of balance.