trees all dance: rainbow chard
trees all dance: The tiniest bit of #snow today
trees all dance: Grape flavored grill
trees all dance: BK all day!
trees all dance: November in the garden
trees all dance: November in the garden.
trees all dance: Saturday night essentials
trees all dance: Breakfast assembly line
trees all dance: Hey New York, hey.
trees all dance: Saturday selfie
trees all dance: Rainbow maker
trees all dance: An #echinacea bouquet for the goldfinches that frequent the front garden.
trees all dance: Artist at work
trees all dance: #eattherainbow
trees all dance: #babyknits
trees all dance: My sworn garden enemy
trees all dance: It's not even my birthday...
trees all dance: I always grow coleus because it reminds me of my grandmother's garden in St. Lucia.
trees all dance: Every day I'm #pickling
trees all dance: A little #farmersmarket love
trees all dance: First completely #homegrown salad of the season.
trees all dance: Butternut baby