Darren M. Lee: @dwelle 's super precise redux of my #fender_mustang used to be sonic blue now it's a sexy dakota red.
Dreck 13: חולצות של #dreck זה קונצנזוס!
Bry_foto: Summer Snow
Superbawestside1980: FAN CLUB, LEEDS, UK GIG LISTING 1980
Darren M. Lee: choosing the section
Klone Yourself !: Self portrait as a 30 years old painter/the artist is present/street art is dead.
Nick Sherman: Close call
misnopalesart: Renegade Craft Fair Los Angeles, July 20+21
Paxton Holley: Haribo the Smurfs gummi candy (2013)
Paxton Holley: Porky's Atari 2600 game (1983)
gregg_koenig: My DAD in the 70's
Dreck 13: Time Out