thomvb: DSC_0217
thomvb: DSC_0210
thomvb: DSC_0208
thomvb: DSC_0203
thomvb: DSC_0199
thomvb: DSC_0196
thomvb: DSC_0195
thomvb: DSC_0189
thomvb: DSC_0179
thomvb: DSC_0170
thomvb: DSC_0167
thomvb: DSC_0165
thomvb: Consulting the bible - Hugh Falkus' SALMON FISHING
thomvb: It's hard work this fishing
thomvb: Fresh run salmon, lovely!
thomvb: Action
thomvb: Hope
thomvb: Concentration
thomvb: DSC_0043
thomvb: High Mains Cottage
thomvb: These will never be salmon
thomvb: A 13lbs hen for John
thomvb: Catch and release
thomvb: It went back
thomvb: Smooth action... not...
thomvb: 8lbs about to go back from whence it came...
thomvb: The traditional photo
thomvb: His first ever salmon!
thomvb: Too many cooks?
thomvb: No fish kettle so a fish sauna instead...